8 Suggestions To Start Your 2023 With Strong and Healthy Hair

8 Suggestions To Start Your 2023 With Strong and Healthy Hair

8 Tips and Tricks To Start Your 2023 With Strong and Healthy Hair

Hair needs pamper and attention. Agree or not, a good hair day makes one happy, and this is possible only when you follow a good hair care regimen. It requires a set of hair care routines, which is, more requisite over the number of hair care products with multiple benefits. There are a few tips and tricks to keep your healthy hair which can be protected from damages that are caused knowingly or unknowingly. Every hair care regimen starts by knowing why a hair care routine is important for each individual. Accordingly, products have to be created with advanced benefits that treat a unique set of hair concerns for each consumer.


  1. Importance of Hair care
  2. Common Hair Problems
  3. Tips and tricks for healthy hair

Importance of hair care

Hair Care regimen is an unavoidable part of overall health and well being because, for most people hair forms an important part of their personality, that portray their confidence. However, most of us are unaware of the proper hair care regimen that gives us good healthy hair free from hair woes. Know why hair changes over time, why damage is caused etc, to further understand and determine what works for your hair.

Reasons Why Hair Needs Attention

  1. Hair changes over a period of time:-While climate or hormonal changes can cause changes in hair, improper hair care regimens can also be the cause of changing textures of hair or hair damage.
  2. Hair reflects back on how you treat it:-Based on the number and quality of products that are used on your hair, your hair reflects back the consequences. Colouring and styling are some of the causes of damage to hair.
  3. Utmost care is important:-Just like how you pamper your skin, an immense amount of time and effort is needed for hair as well. Protect it from UV rays, rain or humidity. Natural Shampoo, Herbal conditioners etc are important in such cases to protect your hair from damage.

Why do I need a healthy hair care regimen?

Self-Confidence: Healthy hair boosts confidence, be it, men or women. This is also the reason behind good hair days came trending when we feel confident how our hair looks on particular days, easily manageable, free from worries.

Healthy Hair Growth

Healthy hair is the first step to a healthy body. It indicates the beginning of overall health and well being. Healthy hair is a blessing. Hair growth is an added blessing. It shows how much your hair has taken in, the needed nourishment contributing overall happiness of an individual.

Healthy Scalp

A healthy scalp is requisite for Hair follicles to actively promote hair growth. Clean Scalp promotes cell turnover and promotes nourished growth of hair strands.

Dandruff free Scalp

Dandruff free scalp requires washing hair often, to clean the scalp and keep it moisturised using natural shampoo and herbal conditioners. Dandruff increases with a higher number of dead cells and oily scalp, hence it’s extremely important to keep your scalp clean regularly.

Common Hair Problems

1. Dandruff

Dandruff on Hair can be the result of multiple things

Dry skin: Dry skin can contribute to dandruff. Dry skin needs constant moisturizing to keep the scalp hydrated.

Oil accumulation: Over-accumulation of oil results in dandruff as it creates a base for dandruff development.

2. Hair loss

Hair loss can be due to a number of reasons, here are a few of them

Eating habits: lack of proper Vitamins and minerals can affect your hair as well and causes hair loss.

Chemical Products: Using, multiple products that have chemical ingredients can lead to hair loss. Products like Hair oil, Hair shampoo and Conditioners should be 100% herbal and safe on hair and scalp to avoid hair loss.

Medical condition: This requires proper consultation with concerned doctors to know the reason and solution for hair loss.

3. Dry hair

Dry hair causes hair to look dull and lifeless.

Environmental: sun and wind exposure, climatic conditions etc can cause dryness in hair strands.

Lack of moisture: Hair cuticle needs moisture to keep hair and scalp hydrated. When the hair cuticle layers are separated from the hair it no longer holds the oiliness and moisture within, which leads to dryness

Harsh products: Using Products that have chemicals can make your hair dry and damaged. Styling products, overexposure to heat, over washing etc are the major contributors to dryness.

4. Split Ends

Heat: Using styling equipment like straightening irons, blow dryers, curling irons, etc gives thermal heat to the hair and causes damage, resulting in split-ends.

Read Also: Most Effective Hair Oils For Dry & Frizzy Hair

Uv Damage: Overexposure to the UV rays of the sun causes damage to hair. This results in hypopigmentation or the hair strands become lightened. Sometimes the protein content in hair can be affected by overexposure to the sunlight.

Chemical damage: Artificial colouring products, dyes, bleaching agents etc can alter the natural structure of hair and hair cuticles are affected, which in turn creates split-ends in hair strands.

5. Oily/Greasy hair

Unhealthy diet: Oily food leads to oily scalp and causes other hair problems.

Hair products: Using products that are not good for your hair type can create oiliness in the scalp. Hair products must remove the excess sebum from the scalp.

Deficiency of Vitamins: Lack of Vitamin D can also be a reason for oil accumulation on the scalp

6. Frizzy hair

Humidity: Hair cuticles are prone to humidity during hot weather and makes the hair frizzy.

Harsh Products: Chemical ingredients in various products strip off the natural oiliness of the scalp leaving the hair frizzy. Hairstyling products also make the hair frizzy after long term usage.

Over-washing: Over-washing leads to frizziness in hair because it natural oil balance and makes the hair dry and frizzy.

Tips and tricks for healthy hair

It reflects as healthy glowing hair if needed nourishment is given at the right time with the right amount of products. Here are some Hair care tips to keep it healthy and strong.

1. Gentle On hair

Comb your hair with soft-bristled brushes and comb your hair gently without breaking hair strands. Rough combing breaks the hair cuticles. It is advisable to brush hair softly because it stimulates blood flow on the scalp.

2. Get it trimmed

This does not promote hair growth but it will remove the split-ends and dead cells at the end of your hair. that actually cause damage to your hair.

3. Smart hair wash

Hair growth flourishes only when your scalp is healthy and clean. Hence frequent washes are necessary. Use shampoo and conditioners that have natural ingredients so that no harm is caused to your hair strands. Hair looks healthier when you wash it regularly and keep it clean.

4. Careful styling of hair

Styling products have ingredients harmful to hair, leaving residue on the scalp. Thorough cleaning is required in such cases, to get rid of product build-up. Styling products often cause scalp itching and irritation.

5. Happy, Healthy diet

Hair needs protein for nourished growth, hence food and lifestyle also plays an important role in the growth of healthy hair. Hair also requires an amount of Vitamin C and E for nourishment. Hence choose products that have Vitamin C & E.

6. Yes to Natural products

Natural, herbal products are safe and effective on hair, enhancing hair follicles, leaving no chemical residue on the scalp and thoroughly nourishing the hair and scalp.

7. Don’t skip the Scalp health

Scalp requires constant cleansing to keep it free from dirt, dust and pollutants.

8. Check ingredients

While purchasing products for hair care, look carefully for the ingredients and see if they are harmful or not. It’s advisable to use Herbal hair oils, shampoo & conditioners, Hair cleansers and other hair products to avoid harm caused.

Proper hair care can get you healthy glowing hair that is free from any hair problem. Give your hair the best treatment keeping in mind the tricks we have shared!

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